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Handicap Chair


Handicap News – Gerald Abbott

“After each home tournament, the score cards are checked for the following:
1. Are the cards signed by the scorer and attested? Almost 100% of the cards do have the correct signatures; however, there are still a number of cards that have other errors.
2. Was the correct adjusted score posted? Remember, a golfer is only allowed to take so many strokes on a given hole depending upon their handicap. You must post the adjusted score.
3. Was score posted as “Tournament”? A significant number of golfers are still posting their scores as “Home” instead of “Home Tournament”.
4. Was the correct handicap used? When you sign in, check the report that Dennis provides to ensure you are using the correct handicap or check the report on the bulletin board.
5. Scores in the net 60’s are re-added to ensure there are no arithmetic errors.
Posting scores using the pro shop computer:1. Touch “club member score posting”
2. Enter GHIN number or do name lookup – touch “next”
3. White tees – touch “next”
4. Enter adjusted score – touch “next”
5. Touch “score type”
6. Touch “tournament home” – touch “return to confirmation page”
7. Make sure “score type” shows “tournament” – touch “post score”CONGRATULATIONS – you have posted successfully
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Secretary Report


Meeting Minutes – Ron Woodward

General Membership Minutes 9/20/14

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by President Terry The pledge to our flag was led by those in attendance. President: A warm welcome was extended to all by President Terry. A motion by Mr. Slick and seconded by Mr. Brendle to dispose of reading of the minutes. Minutes approved. V.P.: The flighted club championship qualifying rounds will be played on Sept. 10 and 24 with elimination rounds to follow. We have 39 players registered and would like to have 50 players plus. See newsletter for additional information. Treasure: We have $5,O68 in the account. Secretary: All’s well. Membership: Dues renewal!!!!!!! $ 55 dues are due before the third Weds. in November. After that they are considered delinquent and will be $85. Pay on time and save. Handicap: Jerry went over a few posting procedures. Any questions about posting see Jerry. ATC: We have a field of 31 for Goose Creek tomorrow. We will have a weekend golf outing planned in Solvang on May 18 and 19. Watch the newsletter for more information. HTC: We have 65 players interested in playing on the first Wednesday of the month which will start Sept. 3. We have between 95 and 115 players at most tournaments. Rules: All’s well. Newsletter: Jim needs e-mail address of all new members. Everything is going well. New Business: Art Hernandez was recognized for his years of service as our Hospitality person. A motion was made by Tom Conlin and seconded by Herman Brendle to play a tournament on the first Wednesday of every month. After a discussion the motion was carried. Three new members were introduced and we welcome Ramon, Alberto Diaz and Chuck Baker. Winners of the Presidents Cup were 4 th Place Mike Frazier, 3 rd place Dennis Borla, 2 nd place Jim Dyerly and 1 st place Ed Walsh. Congratulations to all. Old Business: None

Meeting Adjourned at 7:36 pm

Respectfully Submitted Ron Woodward Secretary

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Vice President’s Report


Club Championship update

“The Cub Championship is just a couple weeks away and even though I gave Aug 31st as the deadline for entry, I will take entries through Sep 5th. If you wait until after Aug 31st, you will need to call me at home 951-638-5590 or my cell 626-272-3306 to make arrangements to pay the entry fee. I look forward to a great tournament this year and wish everyone the best of luck.”
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President’s Report

President - Terry Stringer

President – Terry Stringer

By now you should all know that we will be having Home Tournaments on the First Wednesday of each month, starting September 3, as well as our continuing tournaments on the second and fourth Wednesdays.  If you are signed up to play, be sure to check the website/blog a few days before the First Wednesday Tournament to get your t-time.

Pete Diggs has agreed to head up the nominating committee for the 2015 Board Member election in November.   He can use some assistance so if you are interested in serving on the nominating committee, contact me or Pete (562) 696-7726, to let us know.   Additionally, if you are interested in running for any position on the Board, or have a nomination you would like to make, give me or Pete a call. Either of us, or any board member, will be happy to describe the responsibilities of any Board position you may be interested in.   As I said at the last General Meeting, it is an honor to serve on this board and the club runs only because several people are willing to put in the time and effort to make it so.

September 10 is the first qualifiying round for the Club Championship tournament (in addition to the usual Home tournament) so get your entrée into Rick Kennedy.  Each flight winner gets his renewal dues paid for next year, in addition to other prizes which Rick will cover in his Vice President’s Report.

Have a good and speedy round.


Handicap Chairman


Handicap News – Gerald Abbott

“After each home tournament, the score cards are checked for the following:
1. Are the cards signed by the scorer and attested? Almost 100% of the cards do have the correct signatures; however, there are still a number of cards that have other errors.
2. Was the correct adjusted score posted? Remember, a golfer is only allowed to take so many strokes on a given hole depending upon their handicap. You must post the adjusted score.
3. Was score posted as “Tournament”? A significant number of golfers are still posting their scores as “Home” instead of “Home Tournament”.
4. Was the correct handicap used? When you sign in, check the report that Dennis provides to ensure you are using the correct handicap or check the report on the bulletin board.
5. Scores in the net 60’s are re-added to ensure there are no arithmetic errors.
Posting scores using the pro shop computer:1. Touch “club member score posting”
2. Enter GHIN number or do name lookup – touch “next”
3. White tees – touch “next”
4. Enter adjusted score – touch “next”
5. Touch “score type”
6. Touch “tournament home” – touch “return to confirmation page”
7. Make sure “score type” shows “tournament” – touch “post score”CONGRATULATIONS – you have posted successfully